September 24, 2022 2022 San Diego Intl. Dragon Boat Race In the final competition for...
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Mighty Gilas?
In 2001, two years after the formation of Tempe Town Lake, a small group of Arizonans had an interest in water sports but no experience to guide them. Acting on what many thought was a crazy idea, practice began on milk crates on the side of a swimming pool.
In the Fall of 2002, the AZ Gila Dragons was officially formed as Arizona’s first dragon boating club. Love of the sport, the competition, and social connections have kept our enthusiasm running high ever since.
From those humble beginnings, the Gilas have expanded to include the Arizona SunGi women’s team and the Arizona Monsoon open team, and have competed in Hong Kong, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Vancouver, Boston, Houston, Denver, Portland, San Francisco, Long Beach, and many other festival locations.
Today, we’re a diverse group of friends and family who come together at Tempe Town Lake to hone our craft, engage in fierce competition, then go celebrate in style!
As members of the Arizona Dragon Boat Association, we compete in Dragon Boat festivals in our own backyard, and across the world.
Catch the latest team updates, pics and videos in our Facebook group.